Donate to the Yom Kippur Appeal

Yom Kippur Appeal 5784

This essential fundraising campaign helps us fill the gap between membership dues and the full cost of running our shul and all that it offers to each member. Appeal contributions support every aspect of the community we build and maintain together. This year we are once again conducting a Silent Yom Kippur Appeal outside of our worship together. Please join us in the mitzvah of supporting our Jewish community – a true act of tzedakah. Our goal is to exceed our success last year and to have 100% participation.

Thank You for your generous contribution this year and in the past!

Ways to Support Our Shul throughout the year

Your support helps Shaarie Torah continue to offer various programs throughout the year for our community.

Tribute donation

Consider making a tribute donation in honor of a special occasion or in memory of a loved one. Choose from a list of funds including the General Fund, Building Fund, Cemetery Fund, Library Fund, Kiddush Fund and more. Please contact the office if you don’t see the fund you are looking for.

Kol Nidre Giving Plates: Empty Your Pushke/Pockets

It is our minhag on Kol Nidre to empty our pushkes and pockets on the way into services, giving the accumulated loose change to those in need. Donors have the option to select from among some of the congregation’s most tapped funds as well as various community organizations that support the health and well-being of Portland’s Jews.

This year, we encourage you to count up all that’s in your tzedakkah boxes, coin jars, couch cushions and the like. If you are joining us in person for Kol Nidre, we will have plates set up for donation outside the sanctuary as we have done in past years. If you are not joining us in person or would like to use our online form form below, you can select any amount you choose to be distributed to funds or agencies after the holidays. There is a variety of organizations to choose from. In this particular time, we are especially advocating for Jewish Family and Child Service, and Cedar Sinai Park.

Thank you for helping spread tzedakkah beyond the shul’s walls. L’shana tova tikateivu v’tichateimu – may you be signed and sealed for a good new year.

Community Funds

Jewish Family and Child Service
JFCS (Portland)

Cedar Sinai Park

Mittleman Jewish Community Center / Portland Jewish Academy

General Fund

Cemetery Fund

Harry R. Nemer Kiddush Fund

Building Fund

Office hours: 10am – 2pm on Mon, Wed, & Thurs by appointment only at this time.
You can always call us and leave a message or send general questions to

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