Life & Legacy


Shaarie Torah is dedicated to securing the future of Jewish Oregon and through the LIFE & LEGACY initiative, in partnership with OJCF &  Harold Grinspoon Foundation. The Oregon Jewish Community Foundation Life & Legacy initiative program provides participating Jewish organizations like CST with training, mentoring, marketing and incentive grants to support legacy gift development. LIFE & LEGACY supplements existing foundation services for individuals and family philanthropy, partner organizations and the professional investment of philanthropic funds.

Shaarie Torah’s Legacy Program believes everyone, regardless of age or wealth, can make a difference in the lives of future Jewish generations by leaving a legacy gift in their estate plan. By leaving a legacy, you can ensure that the traditions and organizations that mean so much to you during your lifetime will exist well into the future.

Help secure the future of the Jewish organizations that are most important to you by participating in the Create a Jewish Legacy Oregon / LIFE & LEGACY program and signing a Declaration of Intent.