Giving to CST

Your support during this year has been felt by all of us at Congregation Shaarie Torah. The last few years have been an unprecedented time of struggle and hardship and we are so grateful we’ve been able to continue offering programming, classes, and Mensch Community and more for our families.

make a Tribute donation

Consider making a tribute donation in honor of a special occasion or in memory of a loved one. Choose from a list of funds including the General Fund, Building Fund, Cemetery Fund, Library Fund, Kiddush Fund and more. Please contact the office if you don’t see the fund you are looking for.

Donate to the Yom Kippur Appeal

Yom Kippur Appeal 5785

This essential fundraising campaign helps us fill the gap between membership dues and the full cost of running our shul and all that it offers to each member. Appeal contributions support every aspect of the community we build and maintain together. This year we are once again conducting a Silent Yom Kippur Appeal outside of our worship together. Please join us in the mitzvah of supporting our Jewish community – a true act of tzedakah. Our goal is to exceed our success last year and to have 100% participation.