The Diane Nemer Sisterhood Gift Shop
Our Gift Shop is named for its beloved and longtime organizer. Founded over sixty years ago starting with just one donated display case, the Gift Shop’s purpose was to fund the Sunday School (proceeds still go to the Youth Education program at CST). This was the first shop in the city to stock Judaica items where people could shop directly instead of the Rabbi having to order items like yarmulkes and ketubahs.
Today you can find an array of items to suit all your needs, plus check back on this page for regular holiday sales and fun items. We’ve got two amazing volunteer Gift Shop organizers: Rose and Lisa! Plus, other members volunteer in our Gift Shop from time to time. Stop by and check out all the goodies, sales, and gifts for the whole family. If you’re interested in learning about the gift shop, hearing about upcoming sales and more, email or sign up for our email newsletter to get the latest. See you soon!