Preparing your Home and Selling Chametz
Join our pre-passover celebrations
People Get Ready: Pesach Preparation, Celebration and Inspiration for the Shaarie Torah Community
Sunday, April 5, 5:30 pm on zoom
Feather & Spoon: Pre-Passover Cleaning Together
monday, april 6, 7:00 pm on zoom
Preparing your home for Passover is an annual ritual that some dread and some embrace. In a first ever (as far as we know!) experience made possible by our strange virtual moment, we will gather together to share tips, tricks, to kvetch, or simply to just look up from the pantry floor and see another face that says “I get it.” Open to those who are battle-hardened cleaners and those who haven’t a clue how to do it and want to know how to get started.
1) Preparing our homes for Pesach. You may remember a couple of years ago that Conservative Movement decided to permit kitniyot (beans, corn, millet, peas, rice, soy, among other things) on Passover. Traditionally these foods have long been permitted by Sephardic tradition, but not Ashkenazi. The shul will continue to follow the Ashkenazi practice that prohibits kitniyot, and that remains the practice in my own home.
For more information on how to prepare your home for Passover please click here.
2) Selling chametz (leavened products and all foods prohibited on Pesach). As you may know, we are to rid our homes of chametz in advance of Pesach (in fact by the evening before Pesach all chametz should be out of our possession). One of the ways that this can be done is by selling your chametz. The chametz, along with any utensils that cannot be kashered for Pesach, should be gathered in an enclosed space that will not be entered or opened during Passover. Use our Sell Chametz form here to authorize Rabbi Rose to sell your chametz on your behalf and return them to you after Passover.
920 NW 25th Ave
Portland, OR 97210
Questions? Give us a call.
Mon - Fri: 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
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